Friday, February 18, 2011

Kissy Kissy Poo Poo...

 Balloons for the kids - they loved them, they destroyed them, the dogs started to eat them...I did make some chocolate chip cookies that seemed to be a success.  Carson gave me a Valentine and when he gave it to me he said, "Mom, I made you something at school today but if I give it to you - you can't throw it away."
No card, no flowers, no chocolate kisses, but my puppy did give me a pile of poo!  Sick.
John thinks V-Day is a 'Hallmark Holiday' which is fine...but buy me diamonds then...pretty sure Hallmark has NOTHING to do with good ol' fashioned finger candy!  If you want me to BRING it - you better BLING it!  (hahaha...I just made that up).
I did buy buy myself a potted hydrangea and it is quite lovely

1 comment:

Shannon said...

LOVE those balloons!! darling darling... and love the quote, especially when it's true!!