Tuesday, October 13, 2009

So, John booked my ticket for Maui a few days early to give me a bit of a break! John flew out with the boys by himself and lets just say he wasn't completely sober when he got off the plane! I guess the tv's were out on the plane so they had to leave ALL the lights on in the cabin which made it more than difficult for Camden to fall asleep. They both did finally go to sleep and the flight attendants started giving him free drinks. When they landed both pilots and 2 flight attendants came out to meet me to make sure he wasn't driving (since they were feeding him cocktails for 6 hours)...and that he REALLY did have a wife.
Too funny!


Heather Kelley Pinegar said...

that is so funny! It really is so stressful flying with kids I think, even if they are super good just knowing that at any moment there could be a breakdown and you have nowhere to take them and all those people have to listen to you..stressful.
How nice to get a few days alone just to relax!

Susannah said...

i cannot wait to see Michael and tell him this!!!!
hope you and all your boys have a wonderful time!