Wednesday, April 27, 2011


 So, this is the picture John took of me paddle surfing - seriously?  Anyway, it was a great morning out there - tons of turtles!
 Carson and Cam were chasing bubbles on the beach...(John doesn't know what this means so let me explain) there was a woman on the beach that had a bottle of bubbles.  She was letting the wind blow them all over and kids were trying to chase them down.

 Scuba Dave - he has John's dream job
 So, we met these really great people, Tom, Rebecca and first everyone was a little hesitant as Carson immediately invited Jack up for Wii and his mother very nicely declined, at first.  However, by the next day we all became fast friends...went to dinner at Duke's (so yummy and on the beach with a little band), BBQ'd some yummy fish and chicken, Boys played Wii, ate 'yucky charms' (as Cam calls them), football, baseball, soccer and 2 SLEEPOVERS!  Carson stayed at Jack's one of the nights and Jack stayed with us, on his last night in was so much fun.  Hopefully, we will see them next year and next time we are in Napa (since they live in Sacramento).

This is Rebecca...Rebecca and I went paddle surfing but turned into Knee surfing as it was one of the windiest days since I have been here.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

omgosh!! carson makes friends so easily, how fun for him!

love that you went paddle boarding! it's quite the workout huh, i can only imagine how much harder it would be with wind! ugh.

looks so awesome! i wanna go back so bad!