Sunday, January 25, 2009


Carson has been so funny lately...
John took him to get a
Carson named him
No idea why.
I have been racking my brain thinking he might have gotten it from a movie or something.
ErtGO is a boy according to Carson.
He says he loves ErtGO and Molson.
He says that ErtGO came from 'Molson's Store.'
Last week on our way to my soccer game
Carson said 'mom, is that you that smell?'
I said 'no'
he said 'is it me?'
I said 'I hope not.'
he said, 'is it up my nose?'
I said, 'no, it is outside from the manure.'
I think you know where this conversation goes!


Ackley Family Adventures said...

That is so funny!! ErtGo! I love it! The boys are getting sooo big! What cuties! We mis you all! Maui sounds fantastic (got your text!) I would love to go but I am also heading back to Iowa in March.

Witney said...