Thursday, May 26, 2011


Ticket Review...
In fact, fans’ patience for the year delay paid off as the Irish popsters delivered as stunning a visual concert as has ever been seen along the Wasatch Front during a 2-hour, 20-minute performance. Much has been written about the band’s massive stage structure, dubbed “The Claw,” but, if anything, its utter uniqueness and ability to make a stadium show seem intimate was clearly not over-hyped.

The band returned for a 35-minute, six-song encore, opening with “One” before segueing into “Blowin’ in the Wind” and “Where the Streets Have No Name.” For “Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me” the band members donned jackets that sported LED lights, and Bono sang from a lighted microphone that dropped down from the rafters. Bono even treated the dangling microphone cord like a swing, twirling on it while singing parts of the hauntingly stellar “With or Without You.”
John and I drove up and met our friends.  I have to say it was better than I had expected.  I like how Bono takes a 'position' with conviction when he sings.  John likes the the guitar player.  What blew me away is that there are only 4 band members including Bono - crazy! 

1 comment:

Shannon said...

JEALOUS!! i am so sad that we didn't go to this concert!! looks fabulous!